How to Find Your Property Line and Install Property Markers

Posted by Eric Estes on Feb 28th 2023

How to Find Your Property Line and Install Property Markers

Are you unsure of what your property line is? Do you want to find out where your land ends and your neighbor's begins? You're not alone! Many people struggle to find their property line and mark it with property markers, especially if they are new homeowners.

Knowing where your property line is important, as it helps protect your investment and avoid disputes with your neighbors. Luckily, it's easier than you might think to learn how to find your property line. In this blog post, we'll explore the different methods you can use to locate your property line with ease. So if you're ready to find out where your land ends and your neighbor's starts, let's get started!

Find the Previous Owner's Property Line Survey

Most mortgage lenders require prospective homeowners to complete a current survey, and your title insurance also depends on it. If you bought your house recently but did not have the survey, you can contact either company to see if they have a copy of your survey.

Look for Buried Pins or Property Markers

You may find steel bars that have been buried, sometimes still visible, but a marked cap may be visible at the corners of your property. When a survey was completed, they were likely placed on your land. If you're unable to see the pins (they may have been buried over time), use a metal detector.

While this is not legally binding, it will give you a good idea of the boundaries. Call 811, the national call-before-you-dig hotline, to request the location of buried utilities you don't want to dig into an underground line.

Hire a Licensed Land Surveyor

If you would like to get accurate information on property lines that will stand up to legal scrutiny, you would require a professional surveyor. (Observe that most states require land surveyors to be licensed; check your state's licensing requirements).

Professional surveys may cost a few to several hundreds of dollars-or more depending on location, size, shape, and terrain-but it is smart investment since property disputes cost soaring amounts and may have hefty legal fees.

Mark Your Property Lines with Property Markers

Once you've determined the lines, use property markers from Plow Right marking stakes to mark where your property line begins and ends! These stakes are easy to install thanks to our innovative installation took. Plus, they're available in a variety of highly-visibile colors to identify the boundaries of your property.

With our stakes, you'll be able to easily and quickly mark your property line so you can keep unwanted visitors away. So don't wait any longer - get your marking stakes today and protect your property! Contact us today!